
The Trans-Vaal Branch of the South African Archaeological Society produces a newsletter twice a year with reports by committee members and others on the lectures and outings arranged by the Branch in the previous period.

Artefacts aims to ensure that the fascinating information provided in about 10 annual evening lectures by the Branch’s excellent speakers, and the information learnt during about eight or nine one-day and long-weekend outings is not lost to posterity. The Branch’s full-day Annual School / Symposium, a seminar in which seven speakers participate, is also reported on in full, as are the Branch’s longer annual tours to African and overseas destinations. The School / Symposium was formerly held in October but from 2014 was moved to August.

 Artefacts is sent free to members of the Trans-Vaal Branch, but is available to society members in other branches at a small annual Trans-Vaal Branch Country Membership fee.

The editor of Artefacts is Reinoud Boers. He may be contacted by e-mail: ; tel/fax:  ; or cell:  .